Software Engineer @ Stripe
A student life helper web app for Residential Colleges in NUS.
Designed and implemented the end-to-end technology stack for Treeckle. Piloted Treeckle’s venue booking system in CAPT, one of NUS’s residential colleges. Liaised with CAPT’s College Students’ Committee to propose future development and financing of Treeckle. Currently, it is being used by over 600 CAPT residents.
Tech Stack:ReactReduxTypeScriptdjangoPostgreSQLDockerNGINX
A gesture-based iPad game where the player attempts to destroy incoming enemies through swiping gestures.
Designed the game’s UI/UX and implemented both the single player and multiplayer frontend. Integrated backend network interface with frontend components. Enhanced game design with animations, BGMs and sound effects.
Tech Stack:Swift
An iPad Peggle clone game where the player has to clear the pegs in the level by firing a limited number of balls.
Built a level design interface where players can create and customise their very own levels. Designed and implemented the physics and game engine from scratch. Extended the game to include bonus features such as theming, power-ups, score system, level previews, animations, BGMs and sound effects.
Tech Stack:Swift
Peggle Island was featured in CS3217 AY19/20 Hall of Fame
A desktop expiry date tracker.
Implemented QR code export functionality, built and integrated new API with existing components. Managed product releases on GitHub, set up project site and introduced continuous integration to the project.
Tech Stack:JavaTravis CIGradle
A progressive web app that functions as a carpark availability locator.
Implemented authentication and integrated support for 3rd party authentication providers, such as Facebook login and Google sign-in. Designed and built the offline functionality of Carina.
Tech Stack:ReactTypeScriptJava
• AY19-20 Semester 1
• Certificate of Distinction in the Networking and Distributed Systems Focus Area
• Certificate of Distinction in the Software Engineering Focus Area
• CS4226 Internet Architecture
• CS3217 Software Engineering on Modern Application Platforms
Orbital is NUS School of Computing’s summer independent software development course where 1st year students work in pairs to complete a software project of their choice using an iterative software development life cycle.
2023 Mentor (Artemis - Extreme)
2022 Mentor (Artemis - Extreme)
2019 Participant (Apollo 11 - Advanced)
A 2-week coding challenge consisting of 7 algorithmic problems.
Tech Stack:Python
A 1-week coding competition consisting of 4 questions where each submission is graded on code execution speed and efficiency.
Tech Stack:Java
A 2-week online hackathon consisting of Coding Challenge, Linux Challenge, Find the Bug Challenge and many more.
Designed, built and integrated a ‘Guess the price’ feature onto the Shopee App in 36 hours. Users are given the opportunity to guess the price of an item. If the price they guessed is lower than the original price, some discounts may be applied onto the item. The guessed prices data can be tracked and feedback to the sellers for data-driven analysis.
Tech Stack:React
Built a mini game web app in 24 hours. The game requires the player to repeatedly click on a balloon for as many times as possible within a fixed time period. There are also different game modes with varying difficulty to push players to their limits.
Tech Stack:ReactTypeScriptFirebase
A 2-month online coding challenge consisting of a series of competitions, online algorithm questions and online training workshops open to all students and professionals across the region.
Tech Stack:Python
Built an augmented reality photo filter in 24 hours. Integrated 8th Wall framework with HTML5 to allow users to plant fun objects in the environment and take creative photos which they can save to their phones. Since it is a web app, it is cross-platform and no app download is necessary.
Tech Stack:HTML5CSS3JavaScript